Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Wolfpack (2015)

Spoilers follow for the uninitiated! 

With striking imagery, some genuine emotion and moments that will stay with you once the movie credits have rolled; The Wolfpack without doubt has emerged as one of the most thought provoking motion pictures of recent years. Premiering at the tail end of the summer, the movie gained notoriety before its release for its simplistic, stark trailers – a shining light of originality in the midst of the bloated blockbuster season. When we first encounter the Angulo family, the clan have gathered as they have countless evenings before to recreate iconic sequences from the silver screen. In this first example we witness the family re-enacting a pivotal Reservoir Dogs sequence. The re-enactment itself isn’t what proves to be the most striking; far from it for Quentin Tarantino has been mimicked and deconstructed more times than I care to remember. No, what proves the most memorable is the sheer passion and enthusiasm they boys demonstrate throughout. With amazing ingenuity and creativity that would make some of Hollywood’s bigwigs blush in comparison; the boys forage for materials in their very home. Cardboard boxes substitute for steering wheels and tin foil emerges as loaded weapons in the first act of their grand production.

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